Do we so badly want to get it “right”…
that we miss what’s truly important?

Modern parenting can sometimes feel like a laundry list of boxes to check and challenges to handle…
Toxins are in the air, water, food, and household…
Technology is taking over creativity and connection…
Outside influences and peer pressure stifle children’s independence…
Lack of motivation and fear of failure curb kids’ natural desire to contribute…
And on and on.
Plus, as parents, we have our own triggers from past unmet needs that we unwittingly unleash on our kids.
We struggle to keep them fed and get them to classes. We have short fuses, dramas, and time crunches.
The world’s toughest job can feel very lonely and overwhelming.
And the last we want to do – tempting though it can be sometimes – is perpetuate the cycle of trauma by lashing out at our kids. (By the way, that doesn’t make you a bad parent – it makes you HUMAN.)

That’s why a new path is emerging that is allowing both parents and kids to…

Not be “perfect”…but present.
Not bombard kids with information…
but support each other with connection.
Not deflate hopes…but build confidence.

What is Conscious Parenting?


“We want to be able to model the behaviors, the attitudes, the routines that really support our health and wellbeing so that we can then show our children the way that we want them to be in the world. And that requires us to do some self-reflection.”

Robin Ray Green
Heal Your Child From The Inside Out


At the core, it’s a depth of thought and curious questioning that allows your family to find a unique rhythm.
Conscious Parenting is about asking:
“Is this what I really believe?”
“Is this what I choose?”
“Is this best for my family? Our future?”
And then noticing and honoring all the thoughts and emotions that arise.
Perhaps hope and possibility…
Or maybe for you, it’s fear and anxiety.
It’s all okay..
The challenge is…
Can you simply sit with that? Can you be just curious enough to keep asking?


Welcome — This series is also designed to support you in whatever choices work for you and your family.


CONGRATULATIONS — This series is designed for you to go even deeper with expert knowledge and parent stories.

Either way, show up just as you are – just like you already do for your kids everyday.
Taking care of yourself, staying energized and aware, and creating a safe and loving environment makes a world of difference.

Conscious parenting is a framework that helps us practice living with curiosity and connection.


Dr Ana Maria Templeton, MD

Functional Medicine Pediatrician

EPISODE 1: What is Conscious Parenting?

- I’M TRIGGERED! Experts and parents alike share the #1 skill for conscious parenting.
- Resolve or Relive: How unexamined and inherited beliefs and problems create patterns in your home.
- At what age are most of your mannerisms engrained? What about the age your basic adult personality is formed?
- Ways that our own unmet needs infect our parenting: Determine if you are demanding what you didn’t get as a child…from your kids

- Emotions – not just behaviors: Yes, it’s a tantrum…and it’s also a big feeling. Join the discussion about how to navigate a child’s emotional landscape.
- Sense of belonging: Learn how to help your baby feel like part of the community — even when they begin to seek independence.
- Your growth buttons! Kids sure know how to push them — and find out why that’s actually a positive thing.
- The benefit of natural consequences: By experiencing the bounds of nature, children can apply similar lessons to this additional set of important “laws.”

- In technology-affluent communities, THIS vital life skill decreases dramatically: Explore how to infuse it back into face-to-face relationships.
- Monitoring how you “use” technology in relationship to your kids: Is it a punishment? Or perhaps a babysitter? Who decides when time is up? Discover healthy ways to incorporate tech into your family life.
- “Do as I say, not as I do.” Take this opportunity to reflect on your own technology usage and how you can model alternatives.
- The impact of bullying: Keep an eye out for these symptoms that your child is being bullied – either in person or online.

EPISODE 2: Early Childhood Development: Making Room for Intentions and Flexibility

EPISODE 3: Technology: A Love/Hate Relationship

EPISODE 4: Education: Beyond School

- You’ll be shocked when you hear that our current curriculum was designed before the invention of THIS: And why that signifies a necessary change.
- Are you aware of what emotion is driving you to over-schedule your kids? Take a moment with our experts and parents to reflect and examine.
- What does the test prove? Education experts describe ways to build skills that don’t fit well on a spreadsheet (like resiliency, whole-heartedness, and empowerment!).
- The Homeschool Wave: Hear from the growing number of parents who are homeschooling their kids and discover what the research is saying.

EPISODE 5: What’s Hurting Our Kids: Strategies to Nourish Wellness

- Over 150 toxins are in a newborn’s umbilical cord: A toxicology expert reveals what you can do once they’re outside the womb.
- No natural food is neon colored! You can get kids to make healthy food decisions from a young age.
- What percentage of serotonin is produced in the gut? Get real life strategies for feeding your children’s microbiome.
- Structured Activities vs. Boredom: Experts reveal the pros and cons of both while parents discuss balancing them in daily life.

- Is this a want or a need? Go on one family’s journey during a hard, lean time — and learn what they gained.
- Brands are marketing to you as a parent too! How to notice and regulate the desire to buy more stuff when we think it will make us better parents.
- What are your purchases imposing on your kids? This parent’s story may surprise you.

EPISODE 6: Too Much Stuff: When Do You Stop?

EPISODE 7: Needing Nature: A Visceral Sense of Health & Wonder

- Who is more likely to create a new game? Kids in nature-scapes or in asphalt environments? The science is clear…
- Did you know that most Silicon Valley execs have cabins in nature specifically to unplug? AND they put their kids in nature schools! Find out why.
- Shoes can be referred to as “sensory deprivation chambers.”: Do you know why you have over 20 bones in your feet?
- Bob Dylan grew up in Hibbing, MN (a land of frozen cornfields): What can that teach us about allowing children to be BORED in nature?

EPISODE 8: Empowered Parenting: New Rhythms, Routines & Boundaries

- How to decipher between learning challenges and natural differences in development: Wouldn’t it be great if we all had an individualized learning plan?
- Do fart jokes help? Peek into how one family models humor to support one another.
- Find one surprising cure for ADD: It has nothing to do with drugs…It’s a learnable skill!

EPISODE 9: Existential Threats: Tools for Young Minds to Process a Complex World

Find the confidence and courage to meet the challenges of modern parenting with tools and insights not available to past generations.

- This major shift in parenting: Compared to any other generation is proving to be a powerful tool in the new normal and a way to stay relevant with our kids as they age.
- Assessing what kids understand: Practice questions to ask your child when they bring up societal threats.
- Discern fact from fiction: Discover ways to be a source of truth for your kids when they broach challenging topics.
- How a Mr. Rogers’ quote allows us to guide kids through world-wide disasters: It teaches them to look for and model supportive behaviors.


Dozens of childhood experts, active parents, and even kids share their research and experiences in this remarkable nine-part series to support you in each stage of your child’s development.

Andrew Marr, MBA, U.S. Army, Ret.

Co-Founder, Warrior Angels Foundation

Anthony Youn, MD

Holistic Plastic Surgeon

Carl Totton, PsyD

Founder, Taoist Institute

Christian Gonzalez, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Darin Ingles, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Elisa Song, MD

Pediatric Functional Medical Expert

Gabrielle Kaufman, MA, LCPP

Peri Natal Mental Health Expert

Jonathan & Nicole Vermeer


Jessica Sherman, MEd, RHN

Author, Raising Resilence

Jeremy & Mandy Klavens


Julie Brown Yau, PhD


Julie Matthews, CNC

Author, Nourishing Hope for Autism

Katie Kimball

Online Kids’ Cooking Teacher

Katie Wells

Founder, Wellnessmama.com

Laura Kalmes, PhD

Assist. Prof. Education, Illinois State Unv.

Linda Goldsmith

Birth Doula

Opher Brayer


Rahsaana & Ryan Allen


Rebecca Phillips, MBA

VP, 70 Faces Media

Reena B. Patel, LEP, BCBA

Educational Psychologist & Parenting Expert

Richard Louv

Author, Last Child in the Woods

Robin Ray Green, L.Ac

Author, Heal Your Child From The Inside Out

Sam Rader, PhD


Sarah Nannen, US AF, Ret.

Founder, Beyond Survival

Stacey Robbins

Author, An Unconventional Life

Susie Walton

Parenting Expert & Educator

Tara Hunkin, NTP

Founder, My Child Will Thrive

Taylor Ross

Family Wellness & Education Consultant

Taylor Stanley & Francis Sticco


Tiana Mondaca, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Trina Felber, RN

CEO, Primal Life Organics

Trina Wyatt

Conscious Media

William Hufschmidt, MD

Functional Medicine Pediatrician

Casey Klavens

Age 11

Quinn & Cassidy

Age 9 & 13


Dr. Pedram Shojai is the founder of Well.org and the author of bestselling books Focus, The Urban Monk, Inner Alchemy, and The Art of Stopping Time.

He’s also produced the movies Vitality, Origins, and Prosperity. Pedram is the host and executive producer of his latest documentary series, Conscious Parenting.

Pedram is the father of a boy and a girl who are full of life and optimism. Sol and Sophia both ski, mountain bike, speak Spanish, and play with animals. They are high-energy… so it takes lots of energy to parent them!

Dr. Pedram Shojai

Nick Polizzi has spent his career directing and producing feature length documentaries about natural alternatives to conventional medicine.

His current role as executive producer of Conscious Parenting and founder of The Sacred Science stems from a calling to honor, preserve, and protect the proven healing technologies of the ancient world.

Nick feels his role as father is his most important spiritual work. A father of two boys, Nick is learning about himself, compassion, and patience every day.

Nick Polizzi

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Disclaimer: The content of this website is based solely on research conducted by The Urban Monk Productions, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented "as is" for your educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions or prevent any disease. The Urban Monk Productions has no duty whatsoever to update any information on this website. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on our or as noted other parties' research and experience. The Urban Monk Productions encourages you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory body. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. If you do not want to be bound by all these terms, please do not use this website. Thank you.

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